Intraco Limited (UEN: 196800526Z) (“Intraco”) was incorporated on 5 November 1968 and has been listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange since 18 December 1972. Intraco has evolved over the years. Today, Intraco, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, is primarily engaged in the distribution and/or trading of plastic resin and liquor products, provision of supply chain and trade finance solutions, provision of mobile radio infrastructure management services and also corporate finance advisory on digital securities (e.g. corporate commercial papers in the form of digital tokens) and assets securitisation through digital tokens. Intraco also owns a 19.9% equity interest in a Singapore-incorporated entity that is licensed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore as a major payment institution under the Payment Services Act 2019 of Singapore, to conduct regulated payment services including account issuance, domestic and cross-border money transfers and money changing services. Intraco is headquartered in Singapore and has presence in key emerging markets in Vietnam, Indonesia, and China.